BRIARD – Berger de Brie
ZARAH LEANDER de l`Avenue D`Artagnon
sučka | Rodičia | Prarodičia | Praprarodičia |
ZARAH LEANDER de l`Avenue D`Artagnon 12.12.1999 |
GADGET Kasiterit 30.5.1996 |
NUTS of the Gloaming 5.3.1989 |
KIMBA of the Gloaming |
ISAURA of the Gloaming |
BABY Kasiterit 12.4.1991 |
FIGHTING CHANCE Imago 2.5.1987 |
KASITERIT van't Wuitensnest 9.11.1986 |
MISS de la Porte de Choisy |